Fancy Won’t Fix It

In the 23 years I've been working in the field of marketing communications, first as a graphic designer and now as a brand messaging specialist, I've built dozens and dozens of websites for clients.

I’ve also worked with a lot of clients over the years who'd spent a pretty penny on a fancy website only to come to me for help because the beautiful website wasn't doing much in the way of attracting and converting clients. 

All that's to say that I really mean it when I tell you how often I see, over and over again, people jumping too soon into building a website for their business. 

They spend way too much time, money, and energy on a website at the expense of spending all that time and energy on the stuff that leads to the money like researching and connecting with prospects, figuring out their services and offers, and testing things out with prospects. 

I get the desire to have a website to feel legit and have somewhere to send folks. 

But you don’t need a website to make money in your business. 

You DO need an idea of who your ideal client is, a method to reach them, and an offer to put in front of them.

Don’t make the mistake thinking a fancy website will fix the problem of no to low client conversion when the messaging and offers are confusing, generic, and boring.

I’m not saying you SHOULDN’T have a website. 

There’s a time and place for investing in a website for your business, either a new or redesigned one. 

There’s also a best-practices approach that will make creating a website far more effective and economical. (When you’re ready to tackle the website, I recommend using our free resource, the High-converting Homepage Copy + Layout Template, to guide your efforts.)

For now, the best thing you can do for your business to earn more business is spend time on the big questions about who you are, who you’re for, and how you help them.

Writing your way to these answers may take some time, and it’s a process, but it’s also an excellent way to gain insight and clarity to improve how you communicate your value and unique perspective so others are ready to buy from you—no website required.

Are your words winning or costing you clients?

Find out now with the CLIENT CONVERSION QUIZ. Gain instant insight into the gaps in your messaging and marketing so you know exactly where to focus to improve your connections and conversions. Takes less than 5 minutes and it's free!


One By One By One


Four Truths About Sending Emails (so you can send with more ease and regularity)