Make Sure You’re Broadcasting Your Message on WII FM

Check that radio dial. What frequency are you on?

I hope it’s set to WII FMWhat’s In It For Me.

That’s the station your ideal peeps are always tuned into because with everything you’re saying they’re thinking: 

What’s in it for me? 

You can broadcast on WII FM a number of ways such as leading with and emphasizing the value (benefits and outcomes) or weaving in educational info. One of my favorites is a simple copy tweak that shifts the focus from you to them by swapping the first person reference (I or we) for second person (you) or dropping I/we altogether.

Here are a few examples: 


Original (language before a call to action)

My goal is to help you finally get your photos organized! I have outlined the steps in a way that you don’t have to tackle them all at once. It is important to me that you don’t feel overwhelmed and that you enjoy the process. 

WII FM rewrite

Finally get your photos organized with a step-by-step system that doesn’t have you tackling them all at once. You’ll feel calm through the process.


Original (homepage headline and subhead)

PW Partners thinks multi-dimensionally, connecting disparate information to deliver novel insights and tailored solutions to clients. 

Our professionals have decades of experience navigating challenging strategic and financial situations. 

WII FM rewrite

Navigate challenging financial situations with insightful, customized solutions.

(This is still not a great headline because what the heck are they talking about??? but it’s better than the original.)


Original (benefits statements)

We start with a complete audit of your existing advertising efforts. We present this back in a beautiful report with actionable takeaways that will have immediate impact on your account. 

We huddle for 3 Quick Start Foundation Sessions where we’ll be taking the information gathered to strategize and organize our implementation plan for the first 90 days.

WII FM rewrite

Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your current advertising efforts and what to do next for immediate impact on your account. 

After 3 Quick Start Foundation Sessions, you’ll have an implementation plan for your next 90 days.  

I’m not saying you shouldn’t ever use an “I” or “we” statement as there’s a place for those. You can use statements starting with “I” or “we.” They have a place in your copy.

( See what I did there? )

But pay attention to key places where you’re trying to speak directly to your ideal client/customer—your homepage, business profiles like LinkedIn, offer descriptions and bullet points, and your calls to action. 

Do you need to turn the dial on some of the language you’re currently using?

Have a comment? Or a specific question about what you just read?

Email me—I really will respond. I love getting email from readers, and I’m happy to give you a quick strategy or tip to make sure you’re rocking your message and your marketing feels fun and productive!


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